viernes, 13 de febrero de 2009

Clasificación por ranking al Nacional

Extracto de la Premier Event Invitation Policy 2009 (actualizada a 31 de enero)

That country’s Top 20, 35, 75, or 100 DCI Composite–ranked players. The number of players invited in this manner (20, 35, 75, or 100) depends on the size of the Magic-playing population in the country (see below) as determined by DCI officials in that country’s regional office.
That country’s Top 20, 35, 75, or 100 DCI Total Rating–ranked players. The number of players invited in this manner (20, 35, 75, or 100) depends on the size of the Magic-playing population in the country (see below) as determined by DCI officials in that country’s regional office.

Ranking-Based Invitations
The following countries invite 100 players based on DCI Composite ranking: France, Italy, Japan, Spain, and the United States.
The following countries invite 75 players based on DCI Composite ranking: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Chinese Taipei, Colombia, Germany, Great Britain, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Singapore, South Korea, and Thailand.
The following countries invite 35 players based on DCI Composite ranking: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Norway, Peru, Puerto Rico, Slovak Republic, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, and Venezuela.
The following countries invite 20 players based on DCI Composite ranking: Bolivia, Bulgaria, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Ireland, Lithuania, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, and Turkey.
The following countries will hold Open National Championships in 2009. No rating-based invitations are awarded: Belarus, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Estonia, Iceland, Indonesia, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Panama, and Uruguay.

Lo más interesante, para clasificarse al nacional de españa por ranking necesitas estar en el top100 de compuesto o en el top100 de total (se supone que es el top100 también en total, aunque no lo mencionan).

3 comentarios:

JMGH ( dijo...

Una preguntilla... ¿Los puestos son rotatorios?

Es decir, si Fulanito está el 50 de composite y el 80 de Total ¿Quita puesto a uno de total por estar clasificado por dos rankins o en este caso se clasificarían los 101 primeros de Total?

Un saludote!!

Radagast dijo...

No dice nada sobre que sean rotatorios, asi que seguramente no.

JMGH ( dijo...

Joder pues eso es una putada, claro que si fuera a así, en España el nacional sería la leche con 200 personas clasificadas de forma directa más los de los regionales y las carnicerías :D